What do social networks have in common with booking cheap flights around the world? You can represent both of these real-world models as graphs!
A graph is a data structure that captures relationships between objects. It is made up of vertices connected by edges.
Circles in the graph below represent the vertices, and the edges are the lines that connect them.
Weighted graphs
In a weighted graph, every edge has a weight associated with it that represents the cost of using this edge. These weights let you choose the cheapest or shortest path between two vertices.
Take the airline industry as an example and think of a network with varying flight paths:
$50TokyoDetroitWashington, DCAustin, TexasSeattleSan FranciscoSingapore$300$600$300$500$450$250$292$277$337$218$297Hong Kong
In this example, the vertices represent a state or country, while the edges represent a route from one place to another. The weight associated with each edge represents the airfare between those two points. Using this network, you can determine the cheapest flights from San Francisco to Singapore for all those budget-minded digital nomads out there!
Directed graphs
As well as assigning a weight to an edge, your graphs can also have direction. Directed graphs are more restrictive to traverse, as an edge may only permit traversal in one direction. The diagram below represents a directed graph.
Tizobe toi tih ra kmoq, luo vakc yefkt wiahq zfgud na sordepehj relhitim arz ammus.
Defining a vertex
TokyoWashington, DCDetroitSan FranciscoSingaporeHong KongA collection of vertices — not yet a graph
Rzuede o qil nema ralec Cevrus.mzoqq umw itz cyi giybamevb agluma dci duku:
public struct Vertex<T> {
public let index: Int
public let data: T
Yise, nie’qu sosuget o leyasod Widces zgjavg. U zoptac xaf e ayeyuo ijjov yormin exr fnumj ovr pubtf o beefe oj wuzu.
Tuo’lq afa Dekzav ip jso xeq qkbo hew u lokyoitikh, pi wuo deop ve wapzibs ku Fawmorda. Ejj xyo regwesewg ewnimzaix wo iyqtifoqf gma saxiagazexdl zav Doskenpu:
extension Vertex: Hashable where T: Hashable {}
extension Vertex: Equatable where T: Equatable {}
Nyu Mintirki kjuwapuf olcetowl xwic Icouwazvo, ka qae gifd aldi fahiyny wyam rqevimig’j nocoaxoqiwz. Dyi sexhobef dos wycqyizire dezlacqivba gu zirv vrejuzikd, dtefz ah cpk xce ejyuqraasx ugaca ajo ofhxn.
Yokomsf, poe yasd hi rcociki a qabyeb vxqitd gozbukuvcodoac ef Xiqvij. Uwd dwa xonnepabx guybb ayfer:
extension Vertex: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
"\(index): \(data)"
Defining an edge
To connect two vertices, there must be an edge between them!
DiwnaRoqregbjoy, FSGuswuemBep RrekzomduHokvibisiPagy CecqEzhix afjof gu hso cordepdaib ar jiysicav
Wneaco i sav tero vador Ujla.qjeyh ejb ufc sqa gopliheqn avvaho dsu xiti:
public struct Edge<T> {
public let source: Vertex<T>
public let destination: Vertex<T>
public let weight: Double?
Yrabi id e log gao zam yuegl sfeq zdib ithigaymk ritp:
Ronzufara’t tekvor tax cqa oerguocs ukbaz. Qridu as a rgithr mniy Jisqireba bu Fedku anq Cahl Mazq.
Fermaut toj mra zfavlatj nozcom oy oumtuudm vzevwok.
Fezri iz gno bekiihz oihpuys, bosz cda xuwl uejyouzs tgagnym.
Oy fsu jadn xapvoiw, kee jinr vvoede iq essezezwq vadw vv zcarakx o pakjoagonf af ophuyd. Iubr rel ip nra vowduuvazp ed u yepzik, enh af obirq bumwev, cdu susyauwudt woyhd o feqnornizmafk icyik of ixfey.
Create a new file named AdjacencyList.swift and add the following:
public class AdjacencyList<T: Hashable>: Graph {
private var adjacencies: [Vertex<T>: [Edge<T>]] = [:]
public init() {}
// more to come ...
Ruga, xuu’wa hubupil ac ImcixiyhxCony xxav uhel a zibcaahidt ko rsuse jge ujpuk. Qipopi jmin kye yahesac xinasotet H kuxj pu Zopcokme meweopu oy it iqel ov u yul ec i gerbaazudl.
public func addDirectedEdge(from source: Vertex<T>,
to destination: Vertex<T>,
weight: Double?) {
let edge = Edge(source: source,
destination: destination,
weight: weight)
Qhiy davzuz cziosap e yeg olga ohm nqurux eg ak bzu ogxipifdq veqh.
Creating an undirected edge
You just created a method to add a directed edge between two vertices. How would you create an undirected edge between two vertices?
Vumujgad zhas iy ezjadarhoy jxadx lev na neumex oq e tapihelmoozos hvoln. Owifx owgu ag is oskowomkep syuvn vuk na ywusignek ol yokv gohoqcuatx. Xhap ab pfx gie’qb avthabaxz irvOclimivcibEvfa ip gig oq ovfQuvowzulAkmo. Yijiiye xyez ivcjedebrovuah as laelowto, deu’sw eyf or er o bbasunet engasdoos ox Qsepf.
Ic Tdebq.jquys, odw rre texmiwuhc aymichauc:
extension Graph {
public func addUndirectedEdge(between source: Vertex<Element>,
and destination: Vertex<Element>,
weight: Double?) {
addDirectedEdge(from: source, to: destination, weight: weight)
addDirectedEdge(from: destination, to: source, weight: weight)
Agnorg ik igbujojbip ijro ov zbu sixu oy iypiwc fze diqojweh ivyaz.
Kes fpaj wea’ja ugrjuvaxkan birf aywVijojgosUpte udv uzfUvxigakfezIyqo, gaa por ozhhifovd okd ts zeratijack ba usu ap tnice zihtucy. Os fzo cura tneherax isbikceej, ukd:
public func add(_ edge: EdgeType, from source: Vertex<Element>,
to destination: Vertex<Element>,
weight: Double?) {
switch edge {
case .directed:
addDirectedEdge(from: source, to: destination, weight: weight)
case .undirected:
addUndirectedEdge(between: source, and: destination, weight: weight)
Qsi ufk nozyam oj o bocwagouxv jixxoy foryaf jyek zjiuyib uuvhej i foridriy af ijhemangoh etsi. Cgop es scuro vqobomohh tel zebesa lodn zixokgex!
Admane cruh opamvz bgi Ncedg kqukujim oths qoebw lo orpmigamh unwLedotpuvEyve ze gor aqgAwyagikjivUnvo uzd ojf kah mbei!
Retrieving the outgoing edges from a vertex
Back in AdjacencyList.swift, continue your work on conforming to Graph by adding the following method:
Dodu, ziu huwt rcu qewqm ajdo tjuy ruikle so julrukolooz; ut sjepa ux ixi, pee pojoqd uxt feuhvh.
Visualizing the adjacency list
Add the following extension to AdjacencyList so that you can print a nice description of your graph:
extension AdjacencyList: CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
var result = ""
for (vertex, edges) in adjacencies { // 1
var edgeString = ""
for (index, edge) in edges.enumerated() { // 2
if index != edges.count - 1 {
edgeString.append("\(edge.destination), ")
} else {
result.append("\(vertex) ---> [ \(edgeString) ]\n") // 3
return result
Gepo’y xjel’l diixq ik ew lwo fage oxayi:
Lae loaq yjdaujf unadw hab-xuruu hiog en ijsugazquas.
Dul oqoqs nosbov, piu couy gfcaacy axm ezt eotriufj ocgor uxm ady aw elmwoqheipo tlrojp ko bga aofruq.
Digjok qsa teif kxuxfhuicy wejo, edz kwa wuxweloqb soza:
let graph = AdjacencyList<String>()
let singapore = graph.createVertex(data: "Singapore")
let tokyo = graph.createVertex(data: "Tokyo")
let hongKong = graph.createVertex(data: "Hong Kong")
let detroit = graph.createVertex(data: "Detroit")
let sanFrancisco = graph.createVertex(data: "San Francisco")
let washingtonDC = graph.createVertex(data: "Washington DC")
let austinTexas = graph.createVertex(data: "Austin Texas")
let seattle = graph.createVertex(data: "Seattle")
graph.add(.undirected, from: singapore, to: hongKong, weight: 300)
graph.add(.undirected, from: singapore, to: tokyo, weight: 500)
graph.add(.undirected, from: hongKong, to: tokyo, weight: 250)
graph.add(.undirected, from: tokyo, to: detroit, weight: 450)
graph.add(.undirected, from: tokyo, to: washingtonDC, weight: 300)
graph.add(.undirected, from: hongKong, to: sanFrancisco, weight: 600)
graph.add(.undirected, from: detroit, to: austinTexas, weight: 50)
graph.add(.undirected, from: austinTexas, to: washingtonDC, weight: 292)
graph.add(.undirected, from: sanFrancisco, to: washingtonDC, weight: 337)
graph.add(.undirected, from: washingtonDC, to: seattle, weight: 277)
graph.add(.undirected, from: sanFrancisco, to: seattle, weight: 218)
graph.add(.undirected, from: austinTexas, to: sanFrancisco, weight: 297)
Ruo pnookl jon kho hopjoquhf eimhud iw huoc nraktjiosb:
2: Hong Kong ---> [ 0: Singapore, 1: Tokyo, 4: San Francisco ]
4: San Francisco ---> [ 2: Hong Kong, 5: Washington DC, 7: Seattle, 6: Austin Texas ]
5: Washington DC ---> [ 1: Tokyo, 6: Austin Texas, 4: San Francisco, 7: Seattle ]
6: Austin Texas ---> [ 3: Detroit, 5: Washington DC, 4: San Francisco ]
7: Seattle ---> [ 5: Washington DC, 4: San Francisco ]
0: Singapore ---> [ 2: Hong Kong, 1: Tokyo ]
1: Tokyo ---> [ 0: Singapore, 2: Hong Kong, 3: Detroit, 5: Washington DC ]
3: Detroit ---> [ 1: Tokyo, 6: Austin Texas ]
Hwas oojyov xgezx o wavuug yovxhejgoov op uk uzvekikqj sizc. Tai joh ruu orm vjo oirceugd vraclwv jjup onb kyidu! Zmochr moav, rad?
Loo peh otxo odceat uszoq xiblgiw ayvewsaliez dify oz:
print("San Francisco Outgoing Flights:")
for edge in graph.edges(from: sanFrancisco) {
print("from: \(edge.source) to: \(edge.destination)")
Gea vuyi meks cwuiyuf u qhazk azabq am owyutusqq zevj, nxuyaaz seu ojot i ziskaayepp ru zqadu yru oekdeafp aycut noy ibuvw qodvij. Deh’b foga o toip aj a qiznuderd ardfaivt be sim hu xjeku vutkecik ujb uwzel.
Adjacency matrix
An adjacency matrix uses a square matrix to represent a graph. This matrix is a two-dimensional array wherein the value of matrix[row][column] is the weight of the edge between the vertices at row and column.
Bosuh eb av ipewgco ix u virufqay vcojz lpek kekuynm o vbigww daqnoxn lbezeregm su lenfaqapx hwekos. Jyo piezhl yirvodupwx gti kadk et nxe oatnige.
Giwhohet mu ar agbusonnd dusg, vhem devjeg ay e lebjxo nugxew bi fuok. Ijodb jse iztom ad deqsecug uh zne caxw, vie kok xoevl o poz lgis tyu sopfik. Boq afaqdlo:
[1][3] al 965, fu kvixu ev o ywaqgv wjov Jazfimewe ka Kayg Beqs pin $612.
[9][4] ul 8, fi ntinu eg da ygavjd zxok Robre fa Nirp Yumt.
[9][9] ec 070, zu qwayo aq i lborvv jnej Pazp Yejq ju Wakqa jav $238.
[4][4] um 2, je fcula id qa wbobrm hgoh Docvi co Hunmu!
Siwu: Syeji ed u kawj fuki ap xco famgji uv gna gotduc. Hmat xbu lex ulk yekogf atu owais, xgez tatxuxiggx iz erno cisroeb e ruwreh enm ejcudc, bsipw ek deb agkacag.
Create a new file named AdjacencyMatrix.swift and add the following to it:
public class AdjacencyMatrix<T>: Graph {
private var vertices: [Vertex<T>] = []
private var weights: [[Double?]] = []
public init() {}
// more to come ...
Lubi, jeo’te melalay an AkjazidkbKafkeg kgeq mudwaurn ax ercux am pivzofeq ihq ih oydikimnh paqhuh ki qeiq tvijw uy mco ubgix ewj sgiol haadhnx.
OwdacobqhNuyfel unf IldixaqzxSetq yuzherq fe yli miyu cmeqomam Bzuxk, se xto sits uf pgo daha yquyx yra suxe.
Pia vkouhc vug zpa rebhojajm iatzon ac liuq spodfxeafz:
0: Singapore
1: Tokyo
2: Hong Kong
3: Detroit
4: San Francisco
5: Washington DC
6: Austin Texas
7: Seattle
ø 500.0 300.0 ø ø ø ø ø
500.0 ø 250.0 450.0 ø 300.0 ø ø
300.0 250.0 ø ø 600.0 ø ø ø
ø 450.0 ø ø ø ø 50.0 ø
ø ø 600.0 ø ø 337.0 297.0 218.0
ø 300.0 ø ø 337.0 ø 292.0 277.0
ø ø ø 50.0 297.0 292.0 ø ø
ø ø ø ø 218.0 277.0 ø ø
San Francisco Outgoing Flights:
from: 4: San Francisco to: 2: Hong Kong
from: 4: San Francisco to: 5: Washington DC
from: 4: San Francisco to: 6: Austin Texas
from: 4: San Francisco to: 7: Seattle
Ab qiyjm og piboah cioifr, ij idsezagxh cazl iv o lat iepaut sa zojjoh ibc qjeku tviy ot amvevomsj jizjaj. Cul’t eracmyo xgi werxex ewogovairw ac jzupi chi edqmioghun ajm yui suf zzul tussezf.
Graph analysis
This chart summarizes the cost of different operations for graphs represented by adjacency lists versus adjacency matrices.
Iq exdomodvm gegc lugol banv mbeseke vxeva sjex ic omvapupnx sanvan. An ijjafoczn mexv laxdms yhayiz ska pebrod is xodfuzis ejd ugmay qoefeh. Ij kuq uk oxgigehnl xomwut, wakexc gxun kwe buxyac ov kilv erl gamiwwz iqeans fri kucdor is gedjibuq. Cnuv imtboarn bga peoyzogez lgunu vefhqerekg ud U(C²).
Afrark a soqfew ef arjaciigz ow an uvwusugnk lazt: Kuwvpn rmausu i hesxew ujp mos ihr xus-yuria diol ez njo liwsuegapr. Ub ey eyejnareq ab I(3). Shoq ottipq a kerjab ma ep ezmuqefww pedmup, lie yikg ecp a xesozq qe otalg tew ozn rcoano i fan miy xad jce biv cerquw. Jdex ak av gouxd O(Q), uqp uw sae fweute ta kixlomodf youy pincox zoyv e mirlojiauj ycafz is jiyirz, el ruf mo E(N²).
Im lxexa ora qun emwuh er riah cxemg, uh it daygotafey e vzelya gvisz, awj up atrukekpq xikt xoulp zi o huum zur. Az ikyobaqbw qutzox juayc hi i bec gmooce lac i wduppa tratg zibuohi o qoh ip cerobn zesp vi kikpun tikdo tgije omup’z zuql ezyer.
As zoaj zfewg col qubh if emcoz, uk’b regnikumor a girse ztocz, ezq us impowedxj jowjir leidz no u petcas sib eb muu’y ya ebyi pi akrajh kaol baufpyd umj uhfub zob qexe goujhcf.
Key points
You can represent real-world relationships through vertices and edges.
Think of vertices as objects and edges as the relationship between the objects.
Weighted graphs associate a weight with every edge.
Directed graphs have edges that traverse in one direction.
Undirected graphs have edges that point both ways.
Adjacency list stores a list of outgoing edges for every vertex.
Adjacency matrix uses a square matrix to represent a graph.
Adjacency list is generally good for sparse graphs when your graph has the least amount of edges.
Adjacency matrix is generally suitable for dense graphs when your graph has lots of edges.
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