Concurrency with Kotlin Flow

Jun 5 2024 · Kotlin 1.9.20, Android 14, Android Studio Iguana

Lesson 04: Advanced Flow Management

Timeout Operator Demo

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This will be another short demo. You’ll see how to handle slow responses in flows using the timeout operator.

@OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class, FlowPreview::class) // HERE
private fun moviesForCategory(categoryId: String): Flow<List<MovieViewState>> =
    .filter { == categoryId }
    .flatMapLatest { movieCategory -> movieRepository.fetchMoviesForCategory( }
    .map { movies -> { movie ->
        val imageRes = movieRepository.fetchMovieImage(movieId =
        MovieViewState(, movie.title, "", imageRes)
    .timeout(3000.milliseconds) // HERE   
    .catch { throwable ->                                         
      Log.e("CategoryViewModel", "Error happened", throwable)
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
fun fetchMoviesForCategory(categoryName: String): Flow<List<Movie>> = flow {
  delay(5000) // Add a delay of 5 seconds
  val movies = movieService.fetchMoviesForCategory(categoryName)
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