Handling Errors in Kotlin Flow

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In this lesson, you’ll learn about handling errors in Kotlin Flow. Understanding how to manage errors effectively is important for building resilient apps that can continue to behave properly even when an unexpected issue occurs.

The catch Operator

The catch operator intercepts exceptions that occur in the upstream flow and can perform a specific action, such as logging the error or emitting a fallback value. This operator only catches exceptions from the upstream flow and doesn’t handle exceptions thrown in its own block or downstream.

fun carrotTypes(): Flow<String> = flow {
  if ((0..5).random() == 0)
    throw RuntimeException("Unexpected carrot type") // Simulate an error
}.catch { e ->
  println("Error processing carrots: ${e.message}")
  emit("Fallback Carrot")

fun processCarrots() = runBlocking {
  carrotTypes().collect { type ->
    println("Processing carrot: $type")

The onCompletion Operator

The onCompletion operator performs actions after the flow completes, either normally or due to an exception. This can be useful for cleanup operations or to log completion statuses.

fun carrotTypes(): Flow<String> = flow {
  if ((0..5).random() == 0)
    throw RuntimeException("Error in processing") // Simulate an error
}.onCompletion { cause ->
  if (cause != null)
    println("Flow completed with error: ${cause.message}")
    println("Flow completed successfully")

fun processCarrots() = runBlocking {
  carrotTypes().collect { type ->
    println("Collected carrot: $type")

Retry Mechanisms

Kotlin Flow also provides the retry operator, which attempts to restart the flow when an error occurs. This is particularly useful when dealing with transient errors, such as network failures:

fun carrotTypes(): Flow<String> = flow {
  if ((0..5).random() == 0)
    throw RuntimeException("Error in processing") // Simulate an error
}.retry(3) { e ->
  println("Attempting to retry due to: ${cause.message}")

fun processCarrots() = runBlocking {
  carrotTypes().collect { type ->
    println("Collected carrot: $type")


In this lesson, you’ve explored key concepts and operators for handling errors in Kotlin Flow, including catch, onCompletion, and retry. These tools are essential for developing apps that can handle unexpected issues gracefully.

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