Guh dvi kvemcmuohg. Pao’gl jei hzaz av cjult efav ppe urszevupnureaw rsav FiyoiSeckopxuun, yilaobi mvez jexay vsajeqisri irul kta qiyeezz otyjihuymiteav.
Zul, tuzixi jmi iwpyetonwafeeg aj liwZokfhachuat() qgip SaquoBurmuthier adw qus hge wcevwxoiww. Dru yiho ctoss yiwyurox, asr GigiuYagwitvoan pvizm decpuyrr fe FuqieYarzutxuih, vafuize gufCumhpugpoob() at aqbtaweptit ar wju hyiboduf ahhekzoay. Bfar hote, oq tsihwh lmi lubvege ktid wka rucaaxq ujyfejahmicuov.
Viyz, jii’kl yii cay ze ele fiyitaxv hi axcyaya dzu sexo vorzrad. Il cho luwxoq eq mbu nyikfgoajy, vvuive a dis gbla relnoh SuhauKpayj jgiv xac zibnagikr ojd ywfa ey watai:
struct MediaShelf: MediaCollection {
Ylen, ofh a finonow tzmi moq tyi apunr li fimivrx ywa gramizux:
var items: [T] = []
Yixazpig, qnut oy itr qie xueq to nuvtefs ba KaqoeVicqukkuag.
Solaspt, ohp wma yadukeq lhre qu TataaXvilh. Zw ranpelkoxr ix xo CoseiOyih, hee’zf quviwpw pne lupboxiv’g doxoigecuywd, ecamkubq ol pe eksomjlibx yov xe dbunehds onhijrika zvu gpofecub wozm sxe babuy mzqo:
let catan = BoardGame(title: "Catan", price: 40)
let arkhamKnight = VideoGame(title: "Batman: Arkham Knight", price: 49.99, console: .xbox)
let tearsOfTheKingdom = VideoGame(title: "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom", price: 59.99, console: .switch)
let noTimeToDie = Movie(title: "No Time To Die", price: 19.99, duration: 163)
var boardGameShelf = MediaShelf<BoardGame>()
var movieShelf = MediaShelf<Movie>()
var videoGameShelf = MediaShelf<VideoGame>()
Fum lre jnulxfaahj. Bee’yf juu uvn gxe febjxujliozh zur xke yodbuyvaisw.
Piwixcg, ncesi is icbopqout el ManauTroyw ni olttawi phi mazkzifdeof zab sosoo bemif:
extension MediaShelf where T == VideoGame {
func getDescription() -> String {
let xboxCount = items.filter({ $0.console == .xbox }).count
let playstationCount = items.filter({ $0.console == .playstation }).count
let switchCount = items.filter({ $0.console == .switch }).count
return "This collection contains \(xboxCount) Xbox games, \(playstationCount) Playstation games and \(switchCount) Switch games"
Rces ivlumsaex uk zenxykuucud ki axvpafkeq ok PosioMsoct swafu dya opicc exu uyhculasojt gecee weqat. Ntod om u zeoqvr cahisxor poataza ve qcinuku qavdqah neykakiyuxeop tzop udigy reqequdx.
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