SwiftUI Navigation

Jun 20 2024 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17.0, Xcode 15.0

Lesson 02: Hierarchical Navigation Structures


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Passing Data Between Views in Hierarchical Navigation

First, you’ll create a class to add to the environment. Under the Models group, create a new file named FlightNavigationInfo.swift. Change the file to read:

import SwiftUI

class FlightNavigationInfo: ObservableObject {
  @Published var lastFlightId: Int?
@StateObject var lastFlightInfo = FlightNavigationInfo()
case showLastFlight
  let flightId = lastFlightInfo.lastFlightId,
  let flight = flightInfo.getFlightById(flightId) {
      id: .showLastFlight,
      title: "\(flight.flightName)",
      subtitle: "The Last Flight You Viewed"
case .showLastFlight:
    let flightId = lastFlightInfo.lastFlightId,
    let flight = flightInfo.getFlightById(flightId) {
    FlightDetails(flight: flight)
@EnvironmentObject var lastFlightInfo: FlightNavigationInfo
.onAppear {
  lastFlightInfo.lastFlightId = flight.id

Three-Column Navigation

Your current navigation structure contains a sidebar with the app’s top-level navigation structure. For the Flight Status view, you display a NavigationStack for the details view. In this case, you know that your structure contains three columns: the top-level navigation, the list of flights, and the details for a single flight. That makes it a good candidate for the three-column version of the NavigationSplitView.

@State private var selectedFlight: Int?
} detail: {
  if let flightId = selectedFlight,
    let flight = FlightData().getFlightById(flightId) {
    FlightDetails(flight: flight)
@Binding var selectedFlight: Int?
List(shownFlights, selection: $selectedFlight) { flight in
  flights: flightInfo.flights,
  selectedFlight: $selectedFlight
let flightId = lastFlightInfo.lastFlightId,
let flightId = selectedFlight,
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