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In the last demo, you created the first elements in the Fibonacci sequence. You created an array and stored values inside it. You also saw some improvements you can make to your code to make it smarter and more organized.

You covered a lot of ground in this lesson. You:

  1. Wrote your first Swift code in Xcode’s playground.
  2. Learned about variables and constants.
  3. Understood the difference between the numeric data types Int, Float and Double.
  4. Compared two values and stored a Bool result.
  5. Created Strings and concatenated them in different ways.
  6. Created modified versions of strings by changing their case and replacing words and letters.
  7. Learned about arrays and wrote a basic version of the Fibonacci sequence.

In the next lesson, you’ll learn about flow-control statements where you can change what happens in your code based on a condition. You’ll also learn about loops and how you can repeat the execution of your code multiple times and control how many times and when to stop. Finally, you’ll start to organize your code into functions.

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