Instruction 2

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TranslationSession is a powerful API you can use to initiate a translation process, check translation eligibility from a source language to a target language, batch-translate multiple chunks of text at once and handle any errors that occur during the process.

An important task is to check the language availability. There is a class specifically for this task.

let availability = LanguageAvailability()
let status = await availability.status(from: translateFrom,
  to: translateTo)

The LanguageAvailability class checks whether the framework supports the language pairing to initiate a TranslationSession and returns with a status, such as supported or unsupported.

switch status {
case .installed, .supported:
  isTranslationSupported = true
case .unsupported:
  isTranslationSupported = false
@unknown default:
  print("Translation support status for the selected
    language pair is unknown")

Note that the Translation API doesn’t let you execute a translation session between the same language although you can translate between dialects such as English (en-US) and English (en-GB).

Listening to Configuration Changes

A TranslationSession.Configuration is a type used to pass information to perform the current translation. It keeps track of the source language and the target language that is used in the current translation.

@State private var configuration: TranslationSession.Configuration?
private func translateAll() {
  if configuration == nil {
    // Set the language pairing.
    configuration = .init(source: viewModel.translateFrom,
      target: viewModel.translateTo)
  } else {
    // Invalidate the previous configuration.
.translationTask(configuration) { session in

Performing Batch Translations

A TranslationSession helps you translate a bunch of text at once. You use the TranslationSession to perform a batch job of translating multiple strings at the same time. You get a combined result using the session created from the translationTask callback.

Review to translate
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extension ViewModel {
  func translateAllAtOnce(review: Review,
    using session: TranslationSession) async -> Review {

      let requests: [TranslationSession.Request] = [
        TranslationSession.Request(sourceText: review.description),
        TranslationSession.Request(sourceText: review.highlights)
  do {
    let responses = try await session.translations(from: requests)
    let translatedReview = Review(
      address: review.address,
      description: responses.first?.targetText ?? review.description,
      highlights: responses.last?.targetText ?? review.highlights,
      price_range: review.price_range,
      rating: review.rating
    return translatedReview
  } catch {
    print("Error executing translateAllAtOnce: \(error)")
    return review
translationTask(configuration) { session in
  guard let translatableReview = review else {
  Task {
    review = await viewModel.translateAllAtOnce(
      review: translatableReview, using: session)
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