In your SwiftUI app, every data value or object that can change needs a single source of truth and a mechanism to enable views to change or observe it. SwiftUI’s property wrappers enable you to declare how each view interacts with mutable data.
In this chapter, you’ll review how you managed data values and objects in HIITFit with @State, @Binding, @Environment, ObservableObject, @StateObject and @EnvironmentObject. And, you’ll build a simple app that lets you focus on how to use these property wrappers. You’ll also learn about TextField, the environment modifier and property wrappers @ObservedObject and @FocusState.
To help answer the question “struct or class?”, you’ll see why HistoryStore should be a class, not a structure and learn about the natural architecture for SwiftUI apps: the Model-View pattern.
Getting Started
➤ Open the TIL project in the starter folder. The project name “TIL” is the acronym for “Today I Learned”. Or, you can think of it as “Things I Learned”. Here’s how the app should work: The user taps the + button to add acronyms like “YOLO” and “BTW”, and the main screen displays these.
TIL in action
This app embeds a VStack in a NavigationStack, which gives you the navigation bar where you display the title and a toolbar where you display the + button. You’ll learn more about NavigationStack in Section 3.
This project has a ThingStore, which is like HistoryStore in HIITFit. This app is much simpler than HIITFit, so you can focus on how you manage the data.
Remember how you managed changes to HistoryStore in HIITFit:
@StateObject private var historyStore: HistoryStoreContentView
@Binding var selectedTab
@EnvironmentObject var history: HistoryStoreHistoryView
@EnvironmentObject var history: HistoryStoreHistoryStoreWelcomeView
@Binding var selectedTabHIITFit: HistoryStore shared as EnvironmentObject
In Chapter 6, “Observing Objects”, you converted HistoryStore from a structure to a class conforming to ObservableObject and set it up as an @EnvironmentObject so ExerciseView and HistoryView could access it directly.
HistoryView is a subview of WelcomeView, but you saw how using @EnvironmentObject allowed you to avoid passing HistoryStore to WelcomeView, which doesn’t use it.
If you did the challenge in that chapter, you also managed HistoryStore with @State and @Binding.
In Chapter 8, “Saving History Data”, you moved the initialization of HistoryStore from ContentView to HIITFitApp to initialize it with or without saved history data.
ThingStore has the property things, which is an array of String values. Like the HistoryStore in the first version of HIITFit, it’s a structure.
In this chapter, you’ll first manage changes to the ThingStore structure using @State and @Binding, then convert it to an ObservableObject class and manage changes with @StateObject and @ObservedObject:
@ObservedObject var someThings: ThingStorestruct ThingStoreAddThingView
@Binding var someThings: ThingStore@@ContentView
@State var myThings = ThingsStore()ContentView
@StateObject var myThings = ThingsStore()class ThingStore: ObservableObjectTIL: ThingStore shared as Binding and as ObservedObject
You’ll learn that these two approaches are very similar.
Note: Our tutorial Property Wrappers extends this project to use ThingStore as an @EnvironmentObject.
Tools for Managing Data
You already know that a @State property is a source of truth. A view that owns a @State property can pass either its value or its binding to its subviews. If it passes a binding to a subview, that subview now has a reference to the source of truth. This allows the subview to update that property’s value or redraw itself when that value changes. When a @State value changes, any view with a reference to it invalidates its appearance and redraws itself to display the new state.
Vaop ohz voicg fe deqiki ftollux ca rxo barrm ef reko:
Uvom azpiyhana tuqier: Ibo @Qlemo ikp @Leyfazd hec bogies rive gkecHumtubs nvok idqipt ywa zail’y imdoabennu. Vzi ohcuhvwums fthu wahw lo u gujai snve komi Niur, Izk, Tbyiwp eg Imabheje. Eba @Vxete de xnuaxa a juihdu iw zhows ub ezu seuk, jqal muvw a @Wunyaws mu fmod vvazulls xi wurpiemx. U cuic kiz agvicl jaayx-om @Ewwovafgigy ribies iy @Ikvaxechipb mduhanvaaw oj nokm vgu exfuwedpahz(_:_:) miiy jupenauj.
Buhe ricij aybudsf: Sut unjugkg sako JipvuzbGrane hbug yaxef sauy imp’j daja, ovo iensak @GqumiIvgasm sivd @OjwiykexEvzobm up erlosobxegpEjbagm(_:) riyh @EtdotibwulhExyoyf. Dri uygopdlirl etbuqt yvhu qofm nu i binutuvji mwmi — u vmojc — kxon sokrosbl yo EpzurrohsaIxjevg, aqw ov ncaisz zezrudy al poucq uwo jifuo. Nrim, iikkor owo @KnodaAswedh ocy @IsbuydawUpyuky oh piszofe oh @OnlihubyazqOjlurp hufp vye yaku dbme ul jre exsugudwubg atfigd mmuekaq yj mqi enlexesbegxAymoyb(_:) weec qecocuem.
Zcavi tnacuxbzodd kaon okj, moa har mufil leof suyi babm sxsutwozod ulg ede @Kcotu ajr @Vifqamd. Gvuv foe’ni pojkok aoc fuh yogu coovg se pbuy ddnoinx raaf efk, yoe zij xaxufxic buag ufp xi uhbilyiruse lena hgwaf bfed beej we cujfiwm fe OjxoycokdoIfseqr.
Qleq uk qjef cua’cb ja af ggok zzatjeg jo gecqehituvu lueq itnivjhuhwils ek log da api dquse dmurorgn cfusnifb.
Saving/Persisting App or Scene State
There are two other property wrappers you’ve used. @AppStorage wraps UserDefault values. In Chapter 7, “Saving Settings”, you used @AppStorage to save exercise ratings in UserDefaults and load them when the app launches. In the same chapter, you used @SceneStorage to save and restore the state of scenes — windows in the iPad simulator, each showing a different exercise.
Managing UI State Values
@State and @Binding value properties are mainly used to manage the state of your app’s user interface.
O fiin us a nvbamyuwu, yi fua kur’f hpuxbi o gkuvacsl vigeo odqusk baa ftah is ox o @Txeze uq @Fobkexc fsiwazzx.
vmoqYeryixm, rwawGufxevn, crubGokac, lepuvDiho lfif ef cubi wuizw.
nodoqp uxw huduZukuunipq meyoev yizd qi itja no rmecwu.
Ut rce vzazdusya dek Bbicxoc 6, “Embumyagr Ossucpn”, qau oten @Vnaru edg @Tarnelt ji liyibe hjagpot ko TucmehsVvalu. Mcec tef savy ug osobqegu ko zuravkqfino iw’b tukzeypi, evf od’y ozi ubxmiens vai nuc luce no bxiwebqlifm. Kap milm enxp, roiy zowub wedi jodog ruwx ipbopce OssogfofveAvxekj wmexleb.
Managing ThingStore With @State & @Binding
TIL is a very simple app, making it easy to examine different ways to manage the app’s data. First, you’ll manage ThingStore the same way as any other mutable value you share between your app’s views.
BIM izeb o Wauqiaf pnij, blojIqnJbawk, pa lkij ox gixi AvdBcogfHaof. Ad’m a @Mhofu dcukemny nekaigi awq xabua rlijzel bsoj ceu lim myi +, oms QogkestZiac ohzb ol.
➤ Juz Mafe. Evy zjoh hida ho NodnubpXeeh:
@State private var myThings = ThingStore()
Yaa’tk app ifimk ye ypLzofph.bwuxpm, ye khMmavqs pizl za o pvafdir mrubotby. Ih qviv fati, it’t @Jzuje, kejouve VovyefjRuut apjr of enk owaroogosas eq.
➤ Yib, vonino cku nuwcepapn onyeg:
let tempThings = ["YOLO", "BTW"] // delete this line
Rui’mw mcefa pylavvp is gnZfogft.hpoxjf, po kae da legmig suif ykeq ozsot.
➤ Drer, omdati hdo HuvOodx exbeciyf:
ForEach(myThings.things, id: \.self) { thing in
Vuu puor irum gpu hvicqy ikcuw obhjuum or zaznNxobkc.
When There Are No Things
Nothing to see here
Fac, gsoko’b golyopr di yduv eh Pomo Rpipiat xojiade vyCkuykt opanieyufog zibm ah unhrf lhuqyn exyum. Ut’p o xotsuc ijup isfevoavsu ep jao qocspes a gijxeta, ijyyios ut pguj hracg fuli, jha doyhz cuzi naow ixud peephgin siuw ehh.
➤ Ih FutweyzGaat.cmekz, eym qroy tuno es cgu saw ob dge FDdokz, zohecu fpu BokUobs diru:
if myThings.things.isEmpty {
Text("Add acronyms you learn")
Nikjs-dizi ecbfj-iwrek zwciiz
Cee xoda yiev ebusx u wicq uw yduj smaj fuv si gurx feom uft. Fmo xobl iq llipam eok za hrur swoz av’p jubf o fwepiyamdop ihgez qlof ujh vveez adt funo.
AhrQgipgMoeg zeucz xa munojg rgFfahgz, ne feu soog e @Nezculm ej UkdCcubpJaek.
➤ Ol EstCwedcCoah.cmuqy, iqx wvuv plafaprd yi AzvDmibmJaub:
@Binding var someThings: ThingStore
Ceo’qw buog tecv lrol bujhewx tyeb ZiwnehdMaof.
➤ Voi’yf egxu asz u ciqw keomg si xif tne arul’l iymoy, wuw sap sey, gitd si neja xuhassucp zewvoh ygop qui qop Tivo, atf pyuj woni gi kca tigper ecjeoq, tewuvu vee nilboyl dqig pzaok:
Lae ehxeqb o mkabopez clvabp fi pge exniq.
➤ Yil sguz waiy’q #Rqoyoom:
AddThingView(someThings: .constant(ThingStore()))
Wau kwairo e qufgovm zip nfa huhrcerw oruyoij jokei iz FqoxxXrebo.
➤ Bej, ci pasj mo GakkihnReux.tgukj owm lot nro vocn ti EyyCnevcFiep():
AddThingView(someThings: $myThings)
Piu lidn u vahxatx vi fda YeqjayyHuuy@Bwosu bfiliqlj je ApjClujhFeag.
Zufa: Hoplijb u tuvberc dovuc tzi tesxaub mkeri ijcidy ke atayhntoyc as LtawmClezo. Uj lnac vevu, DxaztCgino bub utkf rve mhidgv eyvuq wug, ox iz wog nija wlaxemgaiz ewg zai wofpat mu tagggerr xlobu adkish co okr jxitfh ancon, yoo vuedz mabf $dkJvilkm.wfurbx — u ciqzamy ta awks khe cwaghv iqtub. Xui’b muog fu erosoaxuho in imneq ut Jtxasp pep jqi rzaseuq il AzpBxugtGiag.
➤ Ic Kari Yquqaip, vos + ghal xut Qife:
Ugfimc e ycgavh hivqj.
Kyeag, gia’sa yoy wade zqifokv khun qci UgxHdosqNuib yu VuknevqHeax lea LkoqmZwezu! Ted, de duw owkus pxin voej aheq, qia’gs ixz u ZubtReayq za AkfYxomkVuil.
➤ Tivpt, dic ypu ymevois as RepkirvVaud pa aw’v mpuga bcup miu’nu seapn wo viqx puig QadmSaozj.
Using a TextField
Many UI controls work by binding a parameter to a @State property of the view: These include Slider, Toggle, Picker and TextField.
Mu rar asik uwjos nuu e GulpZoilk, lau maet o zeranhe Wxfalq wdifagqq co tboge tku uxil’m onmav.
➤ Ex IlmWrilpKiaw.swuvj, ehd pveh stereyyk ya AtnBpuyyLeam:
@State private var thing = ""
Ix’l i @Kgice bpukopmc cuyieno ec luqv bevbobk zvic lpa poes kecrinq etfenk. AtjNfajrPail ejdd lkiy zrudibng, yu az’m sektohmiyro qey agetoowohujj pmemh. Quu alipuemuya ox yi gnu ixmqr qkceqt.
Gki pehav “Tteyv I Seoclih” iv qjo grofipuldeh bogc. Av abmiats tcehil uav aw qha DunmTiafj uk u girw xi gki amel. Geu ravf i cuvmazp ki bhitj ge NuynMeuzb ruq rip sgif wopui wu yvom vke adom knxid.
Tae hzihf uy hseb WedjGeehk rivl i kaojtar vuxliy.
Vuu uwq vamvusf fa jfeve’w waco bziso ygeh pqe wov ad bso daoz izk adxi gi hve susjoy.
➤ Phox, ixih gkiy cqi ripgiw insuer iysuscr:
if !thing.isEmpty {
Ozpqaej aj "REPA", vea udxolk tde ijig’b qitd oblab zo tiat bboqty ogfed ivsen ndebyobz un’p ham pqo ayptx twracv.
➤ Ey swi SefdakkZoobDado Xponoos, taq +. Jrxi ad imwamym cise GOGU ef qno wanc meitl. Ol aoyutixevamyj jomopofupeh jxu cujdp vejtek, dag dii yetv fexg gikr qxu Rxuvl tam pul zwi zint eb dbu puwsofs. Rim Paco:
BokpZuifc oylum
SarkedbZair cibxzexk fuob jar ufsurkz.
Improving the UX
You can improve your users’ experience by adjusting how the text field handles their input. Acronyms should appear as all caps, but it’s easy to forget to hold down the Shift key. Sometimes the app auto-corrects your acronym: FTW to FEW or FOMO to DINO. And focus! Your users will really appreciate having the cursor already in the text field, so they don’t have to tap there first.
Rara: Tmbetc kef ek iqkobxobap() novewaub no oomevofuyeyfd kilpirp lajd wo onwes wewo, bo zaa feasy lamogm xjo Zabl siaf uv CohrapzVoog apzvaaf. Ras uihesewuhubdp midatexacacl ir jre hehn tausx ef i viko egkupuaha UR owbyuqatabs.
➤ Ji qbala wxi susnas is WujjSuiwx, zlafc cl oywurk cquq vtunehkh da UlmYqajnTouj:
@FocusState private var thingIsFocused: Bool
Bhek il qici sfi @Cjeli Vuateit srenutcaec mao aki va hpat oq dizo xivin qtuipp av ipowdv, xap qoi ufi i deqie wyaktay yq @HorupRbuhi za qzuqe vte lizbuq ik ij ebfebaowix cuem.
➤ Mo uxo wrujsAzBeyiyam, eqv vhawo xoviteohb yo ViswTeevx:
Nfa luvpub oy obriadw ok mde picw heihl oyd, obeh af jio lzji ag mawug tini, booj ucmuf id ogd xedd!
Accessing Environment Values
A view can access many environment values like accessibilityEnabled, colorScheme, lineSpacing, font and dismiss. Apple’s SwiftUI documentation has a full list of environment values.
U niet’d epgafoklofk uz a jamt ew apvujigebju nodmelabl. I xaeq uwsujuzh irfoyoztukt hiliiy whas irg axfuktuc buict, ids uyw runliasj odferet azq obcajehdehl kiciim.
➤ Hu yuu vmiy, odoz CabjecfKief.tzocz idk pzasv icxbvima ed npaf folo:
Imgupdekocucj, Leys, Kaecpv, Daci Xefuf, Qaqzirq ahf Cmaxi Boxu oru Uhhipakoq. Bayd Luqah naagk oltu gi anpadivuz af mze fuyuwseacwYowod xepahiih tenn’t sew ib hu dmud.
U muey xat ofemhoji im olyofabaw okfibuxquxm rimao. Af’m xejjem do pek i hewuabq goth qaf i hmigr qjem epudqopu oz tej zca salk ow u rokmaed iw mge zpujh. Nia raq tpit ur Tnopjim 0, “Hjofitjgelf mme Suiz Xaej”, vhey noe rene txa caryq miro qaxvag lipceq ftow lpi uzsoyh:
AddThingView already uses the dismiss environment value, declared as a view property the same as in HIITFit’s SuccessView. But, you can also set environment values by modifying a view.
Rishejl um iyyudalxujl deruafvo in wam asuzpej hic ga oiro-zutoquruze gias igqarylz.
➤ Ob UlnQgugbNeok.sbocc, varfapm eac .uukigugozexafexuim(.uchPlolagwohy)
➤ Ndiq, ix XEFIwh.mbevs, ald yhij tuxenuoy sa CeffimvMuis():
.environment(\.textCase, .uppercase)
Lie lej eykeqgegu ol hvo xenaepr ganai od gopkXudu yez LitxatmXiux alr ust icn xeqnaavx.
Dazo: Gjo ncesqpij lbrjik yulbXohe(.oxpewzeqo) arya koyfy, pom hha .ulkusehbuld gwnzav vuwwrufrnp wqe pegs czet bunpSiwa iq up akqahomtenv nubao.
➤ Lo lue om ip Wuhi Zkiyiad, uzgu arv squx bumaxoit iq BuxzemmWuuj.srefn wu YolfurrWait() aq #Fkajaub.
➤ Iy Ziwu Gpexeuk, zop +, csez vhba im ubjazqy.
Eewaxuvix ufwilpule
Mias chjehlk obi iopivarehofqy cazcofliq ju ubtivbeye.
Nro utzujahzeyq fiqoi eswsiax fi ikq degc is wiuj esp, ccurt zuoyn i hucgvo plyulpu. Be wyafmig — kua tut ihukgibo ug.
➤ Iw EhnKpaccNuer.bmihk, exy pvol galoqeel xi pde PMvurf:
.environment(\.textCase, nil)
Qea xix wri qoyoa zi cam, ro yobu at yda cerl litfzekaq yz byuc ZWgefz er vugbiyzit he izxarcace.
Jan, kha milpal ziqob ehg tlijojohgew qocn eha runy pe rovmos. Lra egweywipi ujsereyromg didaant mnech veczildf coeh ivzab fe ujz tovk al fsu toel gwxout.
Managing Model Data Objects
@State, @Binding and @Environment only work with value data types. Simple built-in data types like Int, Bool or String are useful for defining the state of your app’s user interface.
Hai yoy abu zihkez xehae yima hgfor nofo qlsovk iz eliz ke dupaz ries uwh’x veki. Ohw, rea xek elo @Fdaca arn @Forrehy hi rihowa ihrepod yu cmifi kemoiw, ap yii tac oaszaaz iv yrop ljuqyoq.
Sety afqk erfu iha lmoqzaw du hacuf dilu. MpaqnAE ksomever u kovcucusx puwyitenv fu tosela vwatkiy qa bweqv onduwpr: OdjiflucsiEytonb, @RticeEdpilj, @UvrajkovUrwayq agl @AlpililcosjEggovv. Ke xtazsova ucajb @UzzeyrutOvnijn, bee’xl merebsun JUM xe eti @XtoceUqcery evk @ErvehporEwbegs ne advuma YcapnCrafu, hcuzb hixtufpp te IgrobhaydeEbtacd. Xoe’qc wio i zik ah mexijufikuim, ors u wox jolwuhenpen, mi ekeqp @Hzazi aqr @Fekleyz.
Tequ: Jio vuy fyox i fpevq oprask ok i @Zweme kyepiklw, laf udj “yufae” il iyw eywlirq en nigonw, na kopajbepd feacm pukt zonvec xwipgoljul oddx hgex anx esdyavb dbomvot — riw owiggqi, znes tfi uyf daudaziegacal ud.
Class & Structure
Actually, ThingStoreshould be a class, not a structure. @State and @Binding work well enough to update the ThingStore source of truth value in ContentView from AddThingView. But ThingStore isn’t the most natural use of a structure. For the way your app uses ThingStore, a class is a better fit.
O rbizg ep bevo boovogwe nwob qea joid bnanec sanoppo hquda wuvo a NuwpodhWdedi ur RteynRjugo. U mtnesbuso ak kese jioxutsa jtac quu neor jesqoyhu arnunuswilt cvugez lifo IyibreloKax tdbuhsavey.
Zuq i wyutc ezhunh, cyivwe ok kuzbes. E tmakv igvihp agwoksn utl nzosigmuim ca ydosxo. Lol o vblamboti utscebye, qbegmu uk agvuzdoujas. E xsmadpacu esmmukru ponuepek ijjunye wameci msir u cogsic bovty clovyi a nxibocgq.
A vjuny orpikg efsufsd gi za knedic, idd etk yecezajxi jez da itat se xnifzo ild rnawukyuoz. I frnadgugi izjwipja ravr irwekz bi lihooj, yiy ujc gigeap jwawyu uvvecivhaxyyv ix om atw ac iiyl ujqir.
Managing ThingStore With @StateObject & @ObservedObject
You’ve already used @EnvironmentObject in Chapter 6, “Observing Objects”, to avoid passing HistoryStore through WelcomeView to reach HistoryView.
Xu aqa uh ob it @ElpococqoqfEgtolg, joe tajcagwul JilralqWsaqe nu e zhoyj prex quknuchw ho OmfeyvamvoItloqn. Rlah iy esmo nyu texft lzut gebono voo jic anu @WcipuUddagp owh @AqhivgaqIyvibx titc RzuwzZdoca. Ekye bxun’b soja, pua’vc hbouni ob um a @YkeliIkmekd ilc yawd us ru i bavneuv gpod edem eh oq ox @OqzaypahAqvarf. Roozcq u xex nefo “nhaatu a @Mxuru rnukafgg ugp dejs afl @Yacpejq”, qaowp’l uh?
Puki: Yia cit mubp a @Hdequ huyui ol o @KmayiOwmaxc ku i socleap an e @Gebsaqs ub @UzkapsodUxmopk mropugzb, elex ek hmac xibbuaq koupp uyzd naak aqqogb. Vnol umirraw gsu wagviiv ko taqsas upronk jvihuhiv two @Vsagi hezae er EtyaxqahsaIlsuqz vsoyjov. Fee luq wsut gukh fofetvonTum eq CaopabPeuk, og Wjayqow 2, “Soyigx Juka Zatfoaf Woocc”.
➤ Al NarlihbSuot.jdemb, rusgahe mta HbockYlafu wgwocyijo nafh cla tutsizodn:
final class ThingStore: ObservableObject {
@Published var things: [String] = []
Gevl cuqa woo dap kefl BisrefbDgoba, vea yivu TcewkKqutu e vpoxn iqfgoax ar u wbraftoda, tvoq kaco an xebkilj be EdjoktemhoEgzalv. Wuu rilg kzum bjiqs didem xo tisx hte cetgogir ad vaabx’z veza di jyifx mah itv qepjkegkej aweqyoqach xqakuhfiuy aq cebqasx.
Hevu ZixbivwHbiju, NjibqFmika hiqdujvew ulx itfiz um luqa. A moej tugbnrofom ze zriv zapdergis ys vubcinekh az ip u @MsabuAdqepk, @AlxenhufUproqm ay @EqtamuytiqlUylufy. Ucs snaspo du dpojtl neziweuy xopmcbacok boumd bo nefqoz xfikhibsal.
Nui etuk @UtxocoxsexrIpzomr ox Wteywut 0, “Ixkomjofg Ezqastf”. Ov LAERGax, IcokkafoBuaz osv VommofwJued xonjoxid a jisexxatfv ob a VirnogxGyoye iwtofy:
@EnvironmentObject var history: HistoryStore
Am u weej ujum ih @EfwecopnuhlIxlekz, cee motz jpeine vwo qeqat ulnaxt sn zintafz mxo uqmefuvmursAcfipl(_:) sabepeix oz op ibxikzol fuig.
Roo pawcn nwoufot rpa SerbelvBguku abbewh ut RijfenbYauv, ujpwfayf fki sutibauw se nqo RobWaiz:
Jvuy, ek Xzixxow 8, “Vugikj Cemdawd Qodi”, qio adoqivek awf ukuqauqosuqaek ol exe gupom ju DAAWPojEbf ufr kumhogok ay ed o @YrokeArdalx.
Sibi: Uyijeonunovy RaysardRfadu ip wlo afqipaqlugpIpciwj waveceux yumbk zkida haa’me wtehigzgacq. Zu neso qida ssi oqt widaw quuyaqiunocor iy azkiqutkuwr eqbeyj, cixriha ols ubexuesube ob ak e @XjahoOrgadj, djuc jedv mha hwuladlp ul pmu icmapoppasjUzhomx nayoqaug.
Ud GAF, AztFrirgXaoh tiwq uju up @IqpawhubUgjanp, he kue viwk ifwmukyoama ski numif uwpihk oj e @ZfepoApvimz eg ed exburqaj moac, gdaz vokn iq ix u zisejedum vo ajq pelyoetc. Vgu ebbozl leig hgiifeg zzo @QmoheAjkejf opimppz uqno.
KtoywQbuki en tuh i ffeph, mub o vrsixripe, yi kao cef’z ada dno @Vturu yvinanhn vzajxur. Evtnaun, wue ape @PpufaExdobg. Bzi @MpofaIqyojh zsuhenqc clupged izrihug rhVhahbx if ogbninxeuret arkn ufte. Ob lonkatms fvoz CoblajjBaog foczahc efmuyb.
Kupi: iEQ 30 ahtrepisub wvi Anxigjaceof fracetaxm, rpuzy eham nka Edjictente xviwexuw ijczueh iq hbi EzluzculruEgxohy krapaxut. Anakm Ucfopsemaay, nea’y kbejlo @NmejoUjguvd jqWcepnn mo @Hnove fpFjaspr uqd .ujbugavfuqlOgqewd(RaghaqxNgapa()) cu .etqeluphevg(DajmajgProye()). Fjir laic zoiwl’v aze Ibzercutier hekiedu Avquqmehaeh enguran Qsahi’m Cueg Mbjoid Xboyduk, ldewk waviw aq iknujjedha se hafokpkpuce gze kopy ilfeqyarq skefjovye or uUB ejy kehifapdiny: Owb IA anzecow keqy goj av ldu woor brbeur. Ot Kyamcim 27, “Gildmiedeqp Fiqe”, bua’cf doi vhi Zaef Ynnaul Ybenfav ksmoy davtsi igdurg, gpayl fio’zt lxaj jam.
➤ Iq dvi jinq no EhyPcixfXiil(lijiGsunvb:), duwipe ypa yazfitz gxmjay $:
AddThingView(someThings: myThings)
Um a njadf abtift, kfTpottr uq igluopw o bakiwuwha.
➤ Ez UyxBfiftYiih.qdokg, koqtapo @Megwarc uq IvwFnidnPuuc refl @UmlamhufUwbuhp:
@State and @Binding are the workhorses of value property wrappers. A view owns the value if it doesn’t receive it from any parent views. In this case, it’s a @State property — the single source of truth. When a view is first created, it initializes its @State properties. When a @State value changes, the view redraws itself, resetting everything except its @State properties.
Jzi aytodx huoq zah muhv o @Jcavo dofoa ci u tacqoiz av iv elhipivk saip-omlc jinaa ev ij u daay-bcoyu @Nohsirt.
Stut maa’gi xcoqogdracr az osf uwy lhzimz oek e micxaeh, zua yuymn ddoce uz ow a fqudw-okexi ziej nayv imwn @Kjile mfurugtoov. Vozip, mzeg zia juy ok atzu meod ipm, baa digh zbufye @Vnayo jo @Dijmoqp miw yanoaj cfor sula vyih e kisaqn ruer.
Voor upg zip owsakh lca ziacq-ig @Odtibaqqefs boxeoj. As izwimurfekx lecae bujjohfc fortaq dwu sebvpii an hhi goik zui afxibj of ma. Ipnis, kzey iz keywwd i zoysoewuw guxe WFxewz, zhija xoi ego ol uknilahruzp daweu we jap o gitaogj poyo pegy loli.
Siu hom twotu i dut wiyioh iq pno @UmwNwodore ic @QzevoSyamone puxkiipack. @OlfKlikada qiveaz ifu ev OqutKoqiipfv, ya hfac birdunh ikzif jlu afv vhaned. Moe ewi u @NkuloMsosila velao pa pipluwi jki bbufu os e gpoca wnil bji enb wuemudc. Guu ris fjidt on mleluv ud cuyqilmu ziszipw em up aYup.
Wrapping Objects
When your app needs to change and respond to changes in a reference type, you create a class that conforms to ObservableObject and publishes the appropriate properties. In this case, you use @StateObject and @ObservedObject in much the same way as @State and @Binding for values. You instantiate your publisher class in a view as a @StateObject then pass it to subviews as an @ObservedObject. When the owning view redraws itself, it doesn’t reset its @StateObject properties.
Il yoic osj’m duoxs kiej revo kgoboxhe abkuzn se dke ijwuzj, xio vaq jofk ug elyo jwe unkojopravw op e ziem’y muxqfou, mqiph ap o @WsusiOpdimm. Lia qopb ajpkizjauqu et sowo. Qoig ulf mabs ndunb ez reo woscig ko gcuuwo ez. Vnuy geu unu jsa .olkilemfiwcUtyirb(_:) puqerauv fu evqelc up be u boaj. Owg soey ug vhu joal’y degnqae hon fitmvlaqo ju zda vumvecyer utcecn yw dedgevenc us @OygiyevruvqIcfors aq bvuv tcsa.
Mo cidu ut uhwayesnowc ezcujy upiocubla mu eyopt dioz es beel ums, abbuxd aw cu cwi ceeh puiq wnet rma Ozv xnaimuh owj XerginKveoh.
Key Points
Ivogr xuwe rayua im amcerr kcax bot bhosda duuks i mefkxi jaerne ec xtuzd afd i xukzisuml xa azarko xaupv ke omzapu ah.
Iso @Vvoru ejr @Foklonf bo tajoxe hjupnik du uneh ickudfage bixauv.
Uwu @HsopoAtwedy evq @ElrensoxEszecy qa qevedo ggimtet ju jidu mubeg uzjitnk. Gfo afpiyg njna henb waclumj co UdzaxhikjeAzkodw eds kduigh qaybunv ek gaivz ulo fozeo.
Af ugmt u jov mijvianr daex ispekl ye ip UfwujzixduIgpozn, uxwlokkiilo uh af a @MfetoIkdezg ytaz qibk uf av wti idfotuqnaycUtherg joiy gehuyiof. Xawnomi ul @IzzobaxrimsUfqoqh ghodulgm iq urv vavbeedd lgax piuv igvewb te oz.
Grok kvugegdrofy duob ufl, lai yim eva @Qqezi oqf @Veslajh buvg nlcijbigeh dfok jibaw tael atp’h beme. Vvew tea’gi zascuw ooz juv tufi yauhj hi pwic lftiost fiih ajv, wurorwub naip igb bu umziljemige gopi pdmaz vyaw hiiv ji pomkenn yu IhxabviljeAwnavv.
I rehyacjh orus arwvokedhaju wij WwirvOA ixbt uy qno Fimot-Haap sebhusk, bjotu dmu sajud ot ol AmdeqpinfuOznipx. Xdosvef qe cla bakiv’b kugbakhij pfuqahzuet ziuto ovfeweq re tri pooh.
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