Anatomy of an Android App

Sep 10 2024 · Kotlin 1.9.23, Android 14, Android Studio Iguana

Lesson 01: Understand Android Project Structure


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In this demo, you’ll explore the structure of an Android project in Android Studio and learn about key components, files, and Gradle configuration.

Project Structure Overview

  1. Open your project in Android Studio.
  2. Use Command-1 (Mac) or Control-1 (Windows/Linux) to toggle the Project pane.
  3. The default view is Android, but you can change it using the dropdown menu:
    • Android: Simplified view of the most important project elements.
    • Project: Shows the actual file system structure.
    • Project Files: Provides an even closer view of the file system.

Key Project Components

Here are the main components you’ll encounter in this project.


Located in the Manifest folder, this XML file is crucial for every Android project because it:

  • Defines app permissions, components, and themes.
  • Specifies the main launch activity using <intent-filter> tags.

Kotlin/Java Source Files

Found in the Kotlin + Java (or just Java) folder:

  • Contains your app’s source code.
  • The main package (e.g., com.codeco.codecochat) holds your primary code files.
  • Additional folders for unit tests and UI tests.

Resources (res folder)

The res folder contains various resource files:

  • drawable: Graphic assets (e.g., vector drawables)
  • mipmap: App icon assets
  • values:
    • colors.xml: Color definitions
    • strings.xml: Text strings (important for localization)
    • themes.xml: App theme definitions

Gradle Files

Located in the Gradle Scripts section:

  • build.gradle (Project level): Top-level build file.
  • build.gradle (Module level): App-specific build file.
  • libs.versions.toml: Version catalog for managing dependencies.

Gradle Configuration

To configure Gradle, you need to:

  1. Update dependencies:

    • Open libs.versions.toml.
    • Android Studio will highlight available updates.
    • Click on highlighted versions to update.
  2. Use Project Structure dialog:

    • Go to File ▸ Project Structure.
    • Navigate through various sections to manage project settings.
  3. Sync Gradle:

    • After making changes, click Sync Now or use the Gradle elephant icon.
    • Wait for the sync to complete before running your app.

Handling Compatibility Issues

If you encounter compatibility issues after updating (e.g., Kotlin and Compose versions):

  1. Check the Compose Kotlin Compatibility Map.
  2. Update the Compose compiler version in your module-level build.gradle file:
    kotlinCompilerExtensionVersion = "1.5.12" // Use the appropriate version
  3. Sync Gradle and rebuild your project.


Understanding the Android project structure and managing Gradle configurations are crucial skills for Android development. As you progress, you’ll become more familiar with these components and how to effectively manage your project’s dependencies and settings.

Remember to regularly check for updates and maintain compatibility between your project’s Kotlin version and the Compose compiler version. Happy coding!

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