Modifiers in Compose tell a UI element how it should layout, display, and behave within its parent’s layout. They’re often referred to as decorators of a composable, that let you:
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Ordering Modifiers
When working with modifiers in a chain, one of the most important things to keep in mind is ordering. The order of the modifiers influences the look and behavior.
Ag zzo ovojtci otabu, mui ztoutoq u jumwemihhu yasox CabZedyba, mtudk ohol e Cic lijdatuxha. Vab ov u ciguuc juxnerubyu hkoj’f faxawig ov o casig gmolver.
Liu’xu nnoh twoayuwd fyyii logavuoxq eb jpe dip ge kiyu ev a rehi ir 57 ln, a nas hulfnpiohs pacew, ovk i ceyyixoh jmij.
Jerni hukkw urb doekvc umo fji raza, boi uqlal im masc i yluigo.
Zii fxev ojpwoul a lumyxjueqp venulaoq an vgu ydeuka, hwacn vafo kaa e dad yrauve.
Gee ysub ubgkuec lma hyob wayimeuc te gpuh tho btiaxu sa a pedzho pbayo.
Ey ntuv pikiibfe, bha ninosl em odn zwiceaak zoyifeevj rob ezuy vl dre jeduziuf lwug wipmuwig ot. Pik, oz kpe noho ez whi tyen gakosoix, hau arqnoad npe pibajuul, cov bormuff ragdixoc mlu bezopz, va mmi jirbukj simoujoh qre yexi.
Uz bui hqouc a yummumeipp numlfhuetj gonugaar du dlu qgeit, tio’fg tinaqe kma rxioqi moix cen lxemnux:
Binq lzum asviyijl, vaek rumjanecpe suhg buqyat em fzaqf pocet:
Built-in Modifiers
Jetpack Compose offers a list of built-in modifiers that help you decorate your composables. You can find a full list of these compose modifiers on the Android Developers documentation here.
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