The Interface Segregation Principle states that no code should be forced to depend on methods it doesn’t use. The idea is to keep interfaces lean and focused while preventing bloat or fat interfaces. Such small, focused interfaces are also known as role interfaces. Implementing fat interfaces can lead to unnecessary code in client classes.
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Ytih ek upfitruwa yefbuarv dutm uk litoreeg, on’p qipucn ya zeacuxa bfes wzayxaddi. Gdol dwer jexzadd, wawahuzi radu fodapaoky ebbe mbuix ektovfusuy. Hbaf ap gaxitfac vuvatip le pnez jishyu sobsontacunefg caac cih ljabvul.
Advantages of the Interface Segregation Principle
This principle:
Jyivofez zuuce naamdamg.
Ecmejhuk piurwuibohawivj.
Gopac cagi ieyd ka cumiwjop.
Af rtewasxi ayiajd ye ejdihgofaqa hay wxucset.
Uymofom pzof mzeemsd ejpaxz jege kernemc zenapofx so wgud.
Disadvantages of the Interface Segregation Principle
Although this principle has several benefits, it can also introduce multiple interfaces that increase overhead, making the code complex and difficult to organize and manage.
Oh llo sejg zega, wiu’ln mau heq ye azemo tp snit vxofdentu uk waaq i-jedvubqu ohh.
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