Use Kotlin Classes

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9.24, Android 14, Kotlin Playground

Lesson 03: Construct Class Instances


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How do you know when to use a primary constructor and when a secondary constructor is a better option? For example, you can have default values in the primary constructor and not use the ones you don’t really need.

class Measurements(val length: Int, val width: Int, val depth: Int = 0)
class Measurements2(val length: Int, val width: Int, val depth: Int) {
  constructor(length: Int, width: Int) : this(length, width, 0)
class User(val name: String, age: Int = 18)
class Address(val street: String, val city: String) {
  constructor(postalCode: Int) : this(extractStreet(postalCode), extractCity(postalCode)) {
    println("using $street and $city values extracted from $postalCode")

  companion object {
    private fun extractStreet(postalCode: Int): String {
      println("implementation to extract street from postalCode")
      return "street in $postalCode"

    private fun extractCity(postalCode: Int): String {
      println("implementation to extract city from postalCode")
      return "city in $postalCode"

fun main() {
  val address = Address(12345)
//implementation to extract street from postalCode
//implementation to extract city from postalCode
//using street in 12345 and city in 12345 values extracted from 12345
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