Learn the Basics of the Kotlin Language

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9, Android 14, Kotlin Playground 1.9

Lesson 02: Create Variables


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In software programming, variables hold data and have a type. In Kotlin, variables can be read-only or mutable. In this demo, you’ll see how to initialize and work with variables in Kotlin. Later in this video, you’ll learn about code comments too. Start a new Kotlin Playground session or choose your preferred Kotlin environment to get started.

Using Variables

A variable holds data and has a name. In Kotlin, this is how variables are declared:

var day = "Monday"
val week = 2
lateinit var day : String

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  day = "Monday"

Mutable and Read-only Variables

To update a variable, it needs to be mutable. The previous example is mutable since it’s a var. To update it, remove the keyword and assign a different value of the same type:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  day = "Monday"

  day = "Tuesday"
val day = "Monday"
val day = "Monday"
day = "Tuesday" // Error

Basic Data Types

Basic types in Kotlin include integers, floating-point numbers, booleans, characters and strings.


Integers represent numbers in Kotlin between -2,147,483,648 (-2^31^) and 2,147,483,647 (-2^31^ - 1). Here’s an example of an integer data type:

val amount = 100


If a value exceeds the limit for an Integer, it becomes a Long. Longs are also numeric values but have a higher capacity than Ints. Here’s an example of a Long:

val amount = 100L


Floating-point types are numbers with decimals or fractions. Single-precision or decimal numbers holding 32 bits of data, are assigned the Floattype when creating variables. To initialize a floating point number explicitly, append an f to the number:

val amount = 100f


For higher or double-precision numeric data, use the Double class type. Double stores 64 bits of numeric data. To initialize a Double, use precision or a decimal point.”

val amount = 100.0
val amount = 12_000_000_000


The Boolean data type can be only one of two types: true or false. This makes it suitable for representing data that can only be in two states. In the next example, the isWeekday variable tells whether it’s a weekday or not whiles isHoliday tells whether it’s a holiday or not:

val isWeekday = true
val isHoliday = false


Characters represent single-character symbols and numbers. They’re instantiated using single quotes ' and must contain one character or two if it’s a special character:

val grade = 'A'
val newLine = '\n'


Strings represent text. Strings are a sequence of characters put together and are initialized with double quotes ". They may or may not contain any characters.

val message = "End of the program!\nSee you next week."
val message = """
End of the program!
See you next week.


Comments are a way to leave notes in your code. Comments are not interpreted as part of the code and can be short or long. For short comments, write your notes after // followed by a space. This type of comment is usually left as a note to self:

// This comment is on top of the variable being described.
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100 // This comment is beside the variable being described.
/** This is known
as a block comment. */
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
/** This comment is a longer comment giving further information about the variable. */
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
* This comment is longer.
* It has more information.
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100
This comment is longer.
It has more information.
This is a valid comment block, but cannot be used with automatic document creation tools.
const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100

Creating Code Comments

Comments in programming can also exclude a piece of code. Comments aren’t interpreted by the compiler, so they won’t have any effect on the output of the program. Consider the following example:

// const val WEEKLY_INTEREST = 100 /* This code is said to be commented out.*/
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