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In Kotlin, you can create a function using the fun keyword. To keep things familiar, you’ll work with an example you’ve seen before - a simple add function that will take two numbers and print the sum.

Here’s what that looks like:

fun add(a: Int, b: Int) {

add(7, 2) //prints 9
add(10, 5) //prints 15

The function add specifies two integer parameters - a and b, and in the body, it prints the result of adding a and b.

Returning Values

Aside from printing the results to the console, you can also return the value of the execution of a function body as a return type.

fun add(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
  return a+b

val result = add(20, 20)

Using Single Expression Functions

When the function body only contains a single expression, the curly braces can be removed, and the function can be written in a single line, as shown below.

fun add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

println(add(5, 10)) //prints 15

Utilzing Named Arguments

If a function has several arguments, it can become difficult to track what values are being passed for which argument. To aid with this, Kotlin offers named arguments, which let you name one or more of a function’s arguments when calling it.

fun printDetails(
  name: String,
  email: String, 
  age: Int, 
  city: String, 
  country: String) { 
   println("Name: $name, Email: $email, Age: $age, City: $city, Country: $country") 

printDetails("Jane", "", 23, "LA", "USA") //can become difficult to infer

name = "Jane", 
email = "", 
age = 23,
city = "LA", 
country = "USA") // more readable
age = 43,
email = "", 
city = "MA", 
name = "Jack", 
country = "USA") 
fun greet(greeting: String = "Hello", name: String) {
  println("$greeting $name!")

greet(name = "Jack") //prints Hello Jack!
greet("Howdy", "Jane") //prints Howdy Jane!
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