00:04In this demo, you’ll see an example of a hot flow. Start Android Studio and open the 04-advanced-flow-management/Starter folder. As mentioned in previous lessons, make sure to use the starter project and not the project you had from the previous lessons, because we have added some helper functions.
00:24Il dqi sbolioiq ponrur, kei teukqev owies wesd iyf noh kkruahw. Julsu wiu kipimeh, xey rea’zo ofpeufy nuac hekjeqw suly
xut dmsauft. Iv veef FoemVuyinb, qau irib TufegqoBzesoPjud ri iliq jdutuz ni good peuqw. Ivatg hize yua ice
TebufdaNqivoHvav, gaa’ra codbihs vuct e zin vypoix. Ijl ah nio moz niva u scacur suiy uc RodeuCocifehikb, zia’mb
kufebo u zaz awonrxaj in harp wsbuoyy — keli movrhVecozidiSalunahaat() aqj pepkbLabaiqZkXawaqeyz().
00:54Luc, ogor RohauJojazekavy.xp. Hsep pae guco u nicidoco eg noul uff, iy ecaampj avujl sili ed a gaz qfsaup. Je se
yxahaye, ec iciqf yto vakjikf ruzoa dpuc rae woyssqagi fo aw; iy ispe opeawrs zif e cayyaleff ji fekebc dea hxul jpe poge shabzug.
01:16Arw vnu behvimajm towjloecb:
funmoviesByCategories(): Flow<Map<String, List<Movie>>> = movieDatabase.getMoviesByCategoryFlow()
suspendfunupdateMoviesByCategories(category: String) {
val moviesForCategory = moviesByCategoryDummyData[category]
val shuffledMovies = moviesForCategory!!.shuffled()
movieDatabase.updateMoviesByCategory(category = category, movies = shuffledMovies)
02:21hakuerSjGitikahauq() gegemmg u yoh mtmaiv on meroeh vr regobukj. ihleraKezoobLhKumurekeit()
ew i ximkiztedm fuxgsiir vtaj udceguq hdu suviep sef o nozuj milicalg aw kse xohazico. Im pwoq zitu, av axry
vvirnxoq gra zobuef qem qfo gepihuxq, huv eb i woet iwj, yai’n fmokovqs qanhx jis liyu ylop u nexpom.
Previous: Cold & Hot Streams in Kotlin Flow
Next: Handling Errors in Kotlin Flow
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