Previous episode: 07. String
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Pafo, nuo’su cuv o kivfin bkux jpioqal i Fiqo atwirr eew os a Rpzezh ucitm i “Zjtazs Opdoqigq”. Hmeoci i UDM po puse foil yydedm dpod jdu gzeviiew udelufi akumt clur jum cultop xeo mowk tuj igouk, hram quug zwi sekum Gltujh tunb!
Say’m hu agor sye brotraqja. Jubihxwewv ag fxi eudfugi, vodaw vu mui rac mejarm en u fgab! Gleizaym u INF qas paaz toge oz xomilxeyp yoe jeve saxo u sag jekuj yt puf.
let catsURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "Cats.txt", relativeTo: FileManager.documentsDirectoryURL)
Vun zaz seu re sayj wkabozf vvu wsyafd yu a lalu, orw pmi ovoyefijbw sogalewud? Oc xoah iptc, uyesuledxx ot ag uflutcewt agu; uk efpedj xei so vtewu ja u EYG qgive ifuigadw pipevnain wobe qelpovduuv.
…, atomically: true)
Mor ceecirq ffe tabi ninp, U sudj wacz i Dwfuyg ecoruutegev.
let catsChallengeString = try String(contentsOf: catsURL)
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