
Concurrency & Networking in Android

Learning path outcomes

  • Understand the importance of concurrency and why it necessary to run code in the background
  • Know how to send requests over the network and receive response data
  • Parse JSON strings into Kotlin data structures


  • Kotlin Programming Language
  • Understanding of Jetpack Compose


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Concurrency & Networking in Android

Learning path content

Concurrency with Coroutines in Android
In this module, learners will be introduced to the problems of concurrency and learn how to juggle tasks by using Kotlin coroutines.
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Network Requests with Retrofit in Android
In this module, learners will learn about some fundamental concepts of networking, the Retrofit library, how Retrofit works with Kotlin Coroutines, what JSON is, and how to use the Moshi library to parse JSON.
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Concurrency with Kotlin Flow
Kotlin Flow is a powerful tool for handling asynchronous data streams. In this module, learners will be introduced to the concepts of reactive programming with Kotlin Flow. They will learn how to create Flows, leverage operators, handle exceptions, and cancel Flows. By the end of this module, learners will be able to apply reactive programming to collections and asynchronous streams of data.
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